Monday, January 9, 2012

I think I love my iPhone

I love my iPhone...really I do, that is, until recently.

When they first came out with this super duper smartphone of the future. I didn't understand all the hype around it. Why did I need to pay so much for apps? What WERE apps?! After I jumped on the band wagon in April 2010 I finally understood. How had I ever lived without an iPhone? Inside that little phone held the contents to my entire universe. I even found myself saying, "Hand me my phone I have an app for that."

Then came the iPhone 4 and so I did the obvious iPhone groupie thing and upgraded. Oh how I loved the iPhone 4 and then the iPhone 4with i OS 5. I had newer and more wonderful apps, faster browsing, and the Cloud, oh the Cloud!

But, then came Khloe... she was now at the age where she understood what mommy's phone was for, she was only 11 months then, but, she already knew how to swipe her finger to unlock the main screen and then how to push the app icon that pulled up her "game".

This also created a huge problem for mommy; I now had a sticky fingered, slobbery 1 year old touching, lick and loving on my iPhone. I had no idea what a HUGE mistake this was until one day when I took my phone into the local AT&T store to report to them I could no longer hear out of the earpiece on my phone. Here is how the conversation went with the clerk:

Me - Can you fix my phone? I can only hear out of it if it's on speaker phone.
Store clerk - let me take a look.
Store clerk - do you have a toddler?
Me - (shocked, puzzled, checking to see if I had Cheerios stuck in my hair) Yes! How did you know that?!
Store Clerk - I have a toddler at home too and this happened to my iPhone when I let him play with it.
Me - ooooohhhhhh
Me - can you fix it?
Store clerk - unfortunately, there is no fix for this particular problem the ear piece has shorted out.
Me - WHAT?!   $%$@#$%!!!

So, now I have come to the realization I need a new phone. But do I love my iPhone enough to purchase another one? Or is it time to move on? Apply has such a hold on my life that it sends me into a panic thinking about losing all my now treasured apps, or trying to switch my calendar and contacts over to a non-Apple based phone.
Samsung Captivate

I am considering the Samsung Captivate because I think I would love the ease of having a side out keyboard. I desperately need your thoughts on the matter. Have you made the switch from iPhone over to a non-Apple smartphone? Do you have the Samsung Captivate or another smartphone you think would be good for me? Let me know in the comments section.

1 comment:

  1. “How had I ever lived without an iPhone? Inside that little phone held the contents to my entire universe.” – I know exactly what you mean, Katherine! ^_^ Even kids as young as your Khloe can already naturally operate this wonderful device. And with its continuous development, imagine what more Apple has in store for us in the future.

    Venus Eckert
